Archives: Work Matters

Back to School shopping with Goodwill

Beyond Back-to-School

By: Jenna Isaacson Pfueller There are things you typically think about getting in preparation for your kids going back-to-school– clothes, shoes, and school supplies, for … Continue reading "Beyond Back-to-School"
6 Tips to Donate and recycle

Six Tips to Donate and Recycle

The annual celebration of Earth Day last month serves as a great reminder to “go green” and support a sustainable future for our planet by … Continue reading "Six Tips…
Max Presley Blog banner image with photo of Goodwill location.

Goodwill Internship Program 2022

When I started… Before the internship started, I researched Goodwill to help me understand how the organization works. I researched their mission to learn how … Continue reading "Goodwill Internship…

StartFresh Success – Whitney Rice

Whitney graduated from the StartFresh program in March. You may have seen her ‘associate spotlight’ posted last year about her growth with Goodwill, now learn more about … Continue reading "StartFresh Success…

Group Supported Employment in Action

Judy Lane has been with Goodwill for 15 years. Originally joining in a horticultural setting, Lane worked with a group of participants growing plants and … Continue reading "Group Supported…