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Nov. 4 is national Job Action Day, a day of empowerment for workers and jobseekers. It’s designed to help people at all stages in their professional lives assess their careers, make plans and take action-steps.

Job Action Day was started as an annual event in 2008 by Quintcareers. For those who are currently employed, Job Action Day is an opportunity to examine both the stability of your current job situation and the level of personal fulfillment you’re getting from it. It’s a day to take stock of your career and develop a plan for your next steps.

For jobseekers, Job Action Day is a chance to take a break from the daily grind of job-hunting and look at the bigger picture. It’s a day to explore options and develop new and better ways to track down job leads and position yourself for employment opportunities.

Turn to Goodwill on Job Action Day

  1. Visit our Community Employment Centers and speak with an adviser about your career goals.
  2. Asses your skills. Do you lack computer skills? Are you uncomfortable in interviews? Goodwill’s free services can help you become job ready.
  3. Improve your resume. Goodwill can help you craft a resume that stands out to employers and communicates the right skills for the job.
  4. Attend a job fair. Goodwill Community Employment Centers have regular job fairs and hiring events to bring local employers to you. Make sure you are ready to act when the next opportunity arises!
  5. For hours and locations of a Community Employment Center near you, click here.