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Job Fair – Hampton

Job seekers can expect to network with hiring representatives from companies and organizations to learn about their current employment opportunities. Job seekers should dress professionally

Job Fair: Waffle House – Northside

Job seekers can expect to network with hiring representatives from companies and organizations to learn about their current employment opportunities. Job seekers should dress professionally

Job Fair -StaffZone Mechanicsville

Flaggers, Commercial Construction, Carpenters & More. Job seekers can expect to network with hiring representatives from companies and organizations to learn about their current employment

Orientation I & II – Northside

Learn about our Programs & Services and meet with our Employment Specialists Time: 9:30am - 11:00am Prerequisites: None Cost: FREE

Job Fair: Waffle House – Petersburg

Job seekers can expect to network with hiring representatives from companies and organizations to learn about their current employment opportunities. Job seekers should dress professionally

Job Fair – Northside

Hiring Warehouse, Skilled and General Laborers Job seekers can expect to network with hiring representatives from companies and organizations to learn about their current employment

Job Fair: Fasmart Richmond

Hiring for cashiers, assistant managers, and managers. Job seekers can expect to network with hiring representatives from companies and organizations to learn about their current

Orientation I and II – Mechanicsville

Learn about our Programs & Services  - 9:00am - 9:30am Meet with a Career Advisor - 9:30am - 11:00am Length: 2 hours Cost: FREE Prerequisites: None

Drop-In Resume Review- Hampton

Drop-In Resume Review Limited Slots are available 10:00am - 12:00pm Time: 2 hours Cost: Free Prerequisites: None

Job Fair – Richmond

Job seekers can expect to network with hiring representatives from companies and organizations to learn about their current employment opportunities. Job seekers should dress professionally

Orientation I & II – Petersburg July

Orientation 1 - Goodwill Services Orientation 2 - Meet with an Employment Specialist Length: 2 hours Cost: FREE Prerequisites: None